Peter Alcock 8 місяців тому
1 змінених файлів з 224 додано та 1 видалено
  1. 224 1

+ 224 - 1

@@ -1 +1,224 @@
-# proxsneak
+# A step-by-step guide how to use Python with Tor and Privoxy
+Latest revision: 2021-12-05.
+Tested on **Ubuntu 18.04 Docker container**. The Dockerfile is a single line `FROM ubuntu:18.04`. Alternatively, you can simply run `docker run -it ubuntu:18.04 bash`.
+NOTE: stopping services didn't work for me for some reason. That's why there is `kill $(pidof <service name>)` after each failed `service <service name> stop` to kill it.
+## References
+This guide is basically a compilation of all the resources listed below.
+* [How to request new TOR identity in terminal](
+* [How to anonymize the programs from your terminal with torify](
+* [How To: Using Tor From The Command Line](
+* [How to change Tor identity in Python?](
+* [Make requests using Python over Tor](
+* [Crawling anonymously with Tor in Python](
+  * [Alternative link (Gist) for "Crawling anonymously with Tor in Python"](
+* [Tor IP changing and web scraping](
+## Related
+* Other awesome open-source projects
+  * [Tor and Privoxy (web proxy configured to route through tor) Docker container](
+  * [Rotating TOR proxy with Docker](
+* Mine 
+  * [A step-by-step guide how to use Tor without Authentication](
+  * [TorIpChanger - Python powered way to get a unique Tor IP](
+## Steps
+### 1. Install and check Tor status
+root@75f6721089f2:/# apt update
+root@75f6721089f2:/# apt install -y tor
+root@75f6721089f2:/# tor --version
+Tor version (git-0edaa32732ec8930).
+root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor status
+ * cannot read PID file /var/run/tor/
+ ```
+### 2. Start Tor and check it's running
+root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor start
+ * Starting tor daemon...          [ OK ] 
+root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor status
+ * tor is running
+### 3. Try to Authenticate with nc (Netcat)
+It's not possible to connect as `ControlPort` is not set yet.
+root@75f6721089f2:/# apt install -y netcat
+root@75f6721089f2:/# echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE' | nc 9051
+(UNKNOWN) [] 9051 (?) : Connection refused
+### 4. Stop/kill Tor, set ControlPort and start Tor again
+root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor stop
+ * Stopping tor daemon...          [fail]
+root@75f6721089f2:/#  kill $(pidof tor)
+root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor status
+ * tor is not running
+root@75f6721089f2:/# echo "ControlPort 9051" >> /etc/tor/torrc
+root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor start 
+ * Starting tor daemon...          [ OK ] 
+### 5. Try to Authenticate with nc again
+It's possible to connect but Authentication fails.
+root@75f6721089f2:/# echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE' | nc 9051
+515 Authentication failed: Wrong length on authentication cookie.
+### 6. Stop/kill Tor, set and check `HashedControlPassword` then start Tor again
+Make sure that you have something like `HashedControlPassword 16:ED2893D8EC97801C60DF4A72249CBCCD8B97B3B01A15C923DC49A0E500` (actual password hash can/will differ) in `/etc/tor/torrc`.
+root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor stop
+ * Stopping tor daemon...          [fail]
+root@75f6721089f2:/# kill $(pidof tor)
+root@75f6721089f2:/# echo HashedControlPassword $(tor --hash-password "my password" | tail -n 1) >> /etc/tor/torrc
+root@75f6721089f2:/# tail -n 2 /etc/tor/torrc
+ControlPort 9051
+HashedControlPassword 16:ED2893D8EC97801C60DF4A72249CBCCD8B97B3B01A15C923DC49A0E500
+root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor start 
+ * Starting tor daemon...          [ OK ] 
+### 7. Try to Authenticate with nc again
+Authentication passes with a correct password.
+# NOTE Use Ctrl+C to exit.
+root@75f6721089f2:/# echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE' | nc 9051
+515 Authentication failed: Password did not match HashedControlPassword *or* authentication cookie.
+root@75f6721089f2:/# echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE "my password"' | nc 9051
+250 OK
+### 8. Check your public IP and currently used Tor ip
+root@75f6721089f2:/# apt install -y curl
+root@75f6721089f2:/# curl
+root@75f6721089f2:/# torify curl
+### 9. Change and check Tor IP
+root@75f6721089f2:/# echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE "my password"\r\nsignal NEWNYM\r\nQUIT' | nc 9051
+250 OK
+250 OK
+250 closing connection
+root@75f6721089f2:/# torify curl
+### 10. Change (with Python3) and check Tor IP
+root@75f6721089f2:/# apt install -y python3 python3-pip
+root@75f6721089f2:/# python3 --version
+Python 3.6.9
+root@75f6721089f2:/# pip3 --version
+pip 9.0.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (python 3.6)
+root@75f6721089f2:/# pip3 install stem==1.8.0
+root@75f6721089f2:/# python3
+>>> from stem import Signal
+>>> from stem.control import Controller
+>>> with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as controller:
+...     controller.authenticate()
+...     controller.signal(Signal.NEWNYM)
+root@75f6721089f2:/# torify curl
+### 11. Install privoxy and check traffic is routed through Tor
+Now that it's clear Tor is configured and works properly we can include `privoxy` to the loop.
+root@75f6721089f2:/# apt install -y privoxy
+root@75f6721089f2:/# privoxy --version
+Privoxy version 3.0.26 (
+root@75f6721089f2:/# service privoxy status
+ * privoxy is not running
+root@75f6721089f2:/# echo "forward-socks5t / ." >> /etc/privoxy/config
+root@75f6721089f2:/# service privoxy start
+ * Starting filtering proxy server privoxy          [ fail ]
+Privoxy is unable to start, let's inspect logs.
+root@ff788ea93ee0:/# cat /var/log/privoxy/logfile
+2019-07-21 09:16:58.278 7f9c2c0e30c0 Fatal error: can't bind to ::1:8118: No such file or directory
+The message means privoxy cannot use `IPv6`. Let's disable listening on an IPv6 address by commenting out the setting.
+root@ff788ea93ee0:/# sed -i "s/.*\[::1\]:8118/# &/" /etc/privoxy/config
+Now we should be able to start and use privoxy
+root@75f6721089f2:/# service privoxy start
+ * Starting filtering proxy server privoxy          [ OK ]
+root@75f6721089f2:/# torify curl
+root@75f6721089f2:/# curl -x
+### 12. Change and check Tor IP with Python3
+root@75f6721089f2:/# pip3 install requests==2.26.0
+root@75f6721089f2:/# python3
+>>> import requests
+>>> from stem import Signal
+>>> from stem.control import Controller
+>>> response = requests.get('', proxies={'http': ''})
+>>> response.text.strip()
+>>> with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as controller:
+...     controller.authenticate(password='my password')
+...     controller.signal(Signal.NEWNYM)
+>>> response = requests.get('', proxies={'http': ''})
+>>> response.text.strip()
+>>> response = requests.get('', proxies={'https': ''})
+>>> response.json()
+{"ip": "", "country": "Germany", "cc": "DE"}
+### 13. [bonus] Change and check Tor IP with [TorIpChanger](
+root@75f6721089f2:/# pip3 install toripchanger==1.1.3
+root@75f6721089f2:/# python3
+>>> from toripchanger import TorIpChanger
+>>> tor_ip_changer = TorIpChanger(tor_password='my password', tor_port=9051, local_http_proxy='')
+>>> tor_ip_changer.get_new_ip()